Songshaper Chapter 1:Waddling along, looking Kute

Quietly, Brent stepped up to the little wood bench and blew the dust from its top. He smelled the scent of pine and paint covering the large desk area and momentarily got lost in it's old memories.He saw the stubby old pencils in the little cup, bite marks still on the bodies of them. Carefully he pulled one of them out and heard the familiar sound of metal clinking together.
The little red doors opened noisily and exposed the drawers which held the old blocks of wood and small saws, and other tools. Brent smiled widely. He couldn't believe the old toy bench he had built so many things on as a kid still functioned. He had expected it to be ruined through all the years.

"It still works hon!" Brent yelled out to his wife, who was downstairs watching t.v.

Brent grasped an old cube of brick and began tapping on it with a small hammer, a little hypnotized by the fondness he had with every little dent he made in it.

"This is pretty fun...." He mused to himself, now completely enamored by the childish activity.
The Songshapers just moved into the sweet and cozy little nook of a cul-de-sac in the neighborhood of Prosperous Acres. Back in Riverblossom Hills, their old neighborhood, they had lived a bountiful and fulfilling life.But their reputation was not so pristine. Their neighbors ran them out of town, saying they belong in a place like Strangetown, where the "freaks of nature" live.
Almost out of hope, they packed their possessions and headed to the belated desert town. But as they rode the greyhound, a small miracle happened in the form of a newspaper, one that a passenger had left behind. In it they found the listing to a cream colored cottage, in a place where no one would know of their previous escapades. 

This is where they now call "home"
In the house, are three people. One of them, whom we already saw a little of, is Brent Songshaper. Brent is what you could call, a, erm, free-spirit. Always trying to invent something that could sell on t.v., he is always trying to use his community college knowledge to advance his families limited funds. That, and the fact that he has a thing for the XX chromosome, erm, women. Brent loves his wife, Mistale, but just can't seem to get enough of the lovely woman silhouette. His casual flirting hasn't gotten him into any jams yet, but only time will tell.

Then there is his wife, Mistale Songshaper, an affectionate young woman who puts others before herself. She is a gentle person and doesn't like confrontations.
Mistale is the descendant of the Songshaper clan, comprised of elves, which explains her pointy ears which are hidden behind her short brown hair.She doesn't mind the fact that she was born this way, and most people accept her for she is fairly "normal". To bad the same can't be said for her daughter.
 Illiana Songshaper. The heiress to the Songshaper's, she was born different, just like her mother. But unlike her mother, she can't hide a few wisps of hair over the evidence and fit in. Her skin is as pale as a winter sunset and her eyes a piercing blue.
It is terribly obvious she inherited the old genetics of Akkar, the greatest ancestor in Elven history. Illiana is the only one ever to posses the coveted mark, a swirl of ribbon like lines that cover her face.

It is unclear why, after so many generations Illiana, born from an elf and a human, presented the mark. Mistale and Brent, seeing the jealous look in the eyes of the elven clan, fled to Riverblossom Hills for fear of Illiana being hurt...or worse.

Illiana has avoided contact with the children her own age, yet she craves friendship. Just wanting to fit in, she only wishes her differences could be a little less obvious, spilled across her face. She hopes that someday people will see her mark as something beautiful and not an anomaly.
And last but not least in the cozy Songshaper homestead are the cats: Melody (the white one)  and Symphony (The black one) The Songshapers have always loved cats, and Illiana was always the one who brought them home after riding her bike through the park and seeing their lonely eyes and instantly falling in love with them. 
Mistale and Brent never really learned to say no to the little sweetheart.
But introductions are boring, let's move on to the Songshaper's new front lawn, where Mistale and Illiana were playing a classical game of 'swing around'.

"WEEEEEEEEEE!" Illiana screamed as her mother swung her around on the front lawn.

Illiana always loved this game when she was little. It made her head spin but it was all worth it. But suddenly the speed increased, Mistale sending her daughter higher into the air, a solid 80 degrees when she really kicked it up.

"MOMMMMMMMA!" Illiana screamed, feeling sickness rising in her throat.
"What's that sweetie? Faster? Well, OK!" And with all her strength, she flung Illiana's body into the air.

"MOMMMMMMMA!!!" Illiana screamed again as she went vertical into the air. Suddenly Mistale's grip failed, sending Illiana's body flying in the air. 

She was about six feet up, about to land on her head. Mistale cried out, trying to catch her daughter. But it was to late. Illiana had hit the hard ground. But instead of on her head, she had fallen square on the balls of her feet, absorbing the impact like a nimble cat. Mistale rushed to hug her daughter, who had vomited and was a distinct shade of green.

"Oh my baby! You look like Shrek! I'm so sorry." And she kissed her forehead profusely,glad that she was all in one piece. But when she thought about what happened, something odd stuck out.

"Sweetheart, how did you land like that?" She asked as she scratched her head.

"I don't know....It was all kind of a blur. But I had this weird feeling and then I landed it. Is that bad?" 

"Bad? Sweetie, no! If it kept you from getting a concussion that's what matters. 
But...I just have this odd feeling about it. Akkar had powers similar to that. He could move things with his mind and fall from distances and not have a scratch on him."
She hugged Illiana closer. "I always knew you held more of him in you than you're beautiful skin."
When Illiana had dried herself off and took a few aspirin to dull the pain on her wrists.
She zipped open her old pink duffel bag and withdrew her favorite book: Jane Eyre.
It's cover was worn and the text now a dull gray. She had been entrusted it when she was seven, it was the first Human book she ever had read on the clan's land. She had been used to reading Phantyni script, the Elven language. The squiggly lines confused her at first but she quickly picked it up, she was an intelligent girl after all.

Jane Eyre was still her favorite, even though she had raided the Riverblossom Hills library and devoured many novels and texts. It represented love and regret. It explained the complex mind of a woman who you could not help but cry, laugh and love with.

Simply put, it was Illiana's sweetest thing to do on a rainy afternoon.

Upstairs, Mr.Songshaper continued his work on the large block of rock which he chipped away at with a hammer. He found that seeing the bits of pebbles crumble off was a good source of stress management.
"Ta Da!" He sang as he drove the last blow into his project.

And the stone was transformed into a small brick shaped object with a mouth, eyes and a brown mustache. Er, beard. Brent looked very happy by his handy work, evident by the Cheshire cat smile on his face. He held up the little guy and danced around with it to the Oldies song on the nearby radio. Every neighbor who saw him through the cottage windows probably thought he was insane, which judging by this moment, isn't far from the truth.

"Misty! Illiana! I have created a masterpiece!" He kissed his fingers like a chef might do after he perfected a perfect dish of rigatoni. But Brent, he was perfectly ecstatic about the little brick which, quite honestly, Illiana could have created in half the time. He would have kissed the little thing but didn't want to look like a total loon. Even Brent had his limits.
Munch Crunch Munch

Melody scarfed down his food sloppily as his tags jingled noisily. He looked up periodically as he swallowed his food. It was in the same bowl they had used in Riverblossom hills where he had met his one and only true love.
He was actually looking up at her that moment. With her snow white fur and beguiling half green half blue eyes, she was the owner of his heart. But as she lazily picked from her own food bowl, she failed to notice the loving gaze of her suitor who so desired her attention. 
In the kitchen, Mistale opened the newly stocked stainless steel fridge and pulled out a box of cookies. They were those kind that kids are supposed to sell to their neighbors and family to raise funds for the school. But Illiana, being a shy kindergartner, didn't sell a box and instead had her mother lovingly buy 125 of them. Little Illiana even got a ribbon for her achievements in cookie sales.
 "Hey Ily, watcha making over there?" Mistale said as she looked over at her daughter who was also whipping up something to eat on the easy bake oven she had bought her for Christmas the year before.

"Well the booklet says it's making the "Super Duper Muffinlicious muffin. But mine looks FAR from super, let alone super duper." Illiana said glumly. 

"Oh sweetie, I'm sure it will come out beautiful, just like you." And she started to roll out the cookie dough, glad that they had made it easier than actually mixing all the stuff together. Back on the clan's base, they made everything from scratch, including their clothing and toilet paper. It was alright while they were there until they left and found how much easier things were. Let alone cleaner.

That night, when the cookies finished baking and the muffin too, (which turned out charred, black and anything but super), Adam and Melanie Carlisle showed up to welcome the Songshapers to the neighborhood, bearing a lily bouquet and wide smiles. Mistale was happy to see friendly faces in her home though she felt a twinge of falseness in their acts. They were nice but hidden people. That was clear.
"You have a lovely home, very cozy." Melanie, the green eyed redhead woman commented with a strange edge to her voice, with the slightest microscopic sign of sarcasm, so well covered up that Mistale and Brent didn't even notice it. But Illiana, being the clever and insightful young lady caught it in the filters of her mind.

 "We do like our house, right mom and dad?" She looked at them with a clever smile on her face. "Mom and Dad had a hard time to pick between this one and 42 Rochester Way. They ended up picking this one since it was a lot prettier." Melanie and Adam seemed caught off guard for a few seconds. 

In fact, they were also a new family in the neighborhood. And they were the ones who had bought 42 Rochester Way. Illiana was just the kind of brilliant fourth grader to took a back handed insult and served it back. Her parents just looked at her, not quite sure of what she had just done. Illiana just smiled proudly as the Carlisle's struggled to regain their full composure.
Mistale, sensing the awkward situation, even though she had no idea why, tried to carry on the small talk.

"So Adam, your an entertainer?" Mistale asked as she shoved a cookie in her mouth.

"Yeah, my dream is to become a prestidigitator." The handsome blond man said in the winning accent that blended smooth south and cool West smiling wide.

 The conversation freezed for another few seconds while Mistale tried to think about what a "prestidigitator" was. But young Illiana, once again, didn't miss a beat. She looked up from her puffy muffin, another sparkle in her eye.

"So that means you want to do magic tricks?" Illiana said evenly, seeing the impressed look on his face, and feeling smart that she hadn't let her family fall into his little traps. She was educated, and by Gosh, she would show it.

"Yeah." Adam said while smiling at the girl. "Your a smart young lady. A very smart young lady" He mused as he looked into her eyes and seeing the lines on her face.

Illiana stepped out of the room after he was done complimenting her. You could only take so much of a few proud people who took solace in embarrassing people.
Illiana felt bad for those kind of people. She knew they had pain in their hearts or they wouldn't be firing off venom soaked insults. 
Illiana was glad her family wasn't like that.
Instead she went back to her painting, happy to be alone with her precious watercolors, which she had been amassing since she was a toddling child. It was a sort of escape for Illiana. She could almost taste the sweet citrus oranges or smell the greens that reminded her of noble forests, thousands of years of growing.
And while Illiana painted, Mistale, full from her dinner from the Carlisles, held little Melody in her arms staring into her odd eyes.

"Your a special cat, I've always liked that about you Melly." And she kissed it's wet nose. 
"Meeeeow." Melody purred as she was scratched behind the ears.

"Does Melly wanna play? You wanna fly Melly?" Melody just cocked her head. Mistale took this as a yes.
And she lifted the skinny cat into the air, Melody not quite sure about what was happening and why she was a million miles from the ground. She rapidly flailed her paws around, finally meeting skin and drawing blood. Suddenly she was catapulting through the air......
But luckily she landed on the ground gracefully, the pads on her feet absorbing the impact. Mistale sucked her wound, which turned out to be a strip of a scratch on her hand. Melody meanwhile, probably should have taken some Dramamine, for she felt her head swirl and then a disgusting roar sent up her throat and a chunky substance poured over the vintage rug, something Mistale had found at a flea market a few weeks before.
"I'm sorry Melly. I guess I shouldn't be doing these kinda things anymore, huh?
I almost killed my sweet Illiana and now I got you vomiting all over the rug."
Just a little bit later, Illiana stood up at her creation. It depicted a small wooden house that has it's inhabitants being swept off with an Alien Spaceship by a brilliant yellow ray. Illiana smiled wide at her "masterpiece."

"It's so beautiful! And HA to all the non-believers! Aliens rule!" Illiana exclaimed as she hip hip hoorayed. Truly, it was one of her life goals to become an alien but she learned early from silly teachers that there are no such thing. Illiana still had a whole heart of hope for her UFO flying green dudes.
But as she stopped gazing, she ended up going into her room, which smelled of faint paint and new homeyness. She liked the smell. And the room was pretty and pink, her second favorite color other than blue. When she opened the door, she found Melody resting lazily on her bed.

"Hey Melody! How are you doing girl?" Illiana said as she played with her fur and hugged her close.

"Meh...Just sickish right now. Your mom nearly killed me. She likes to overdo things, huh?" Melody said drowsily as she rested her white head on Illiana's shoulder.

"Yeah, but I think she does it because she has so much love, she has to show it somehow. Even if it means accidentally killing us in the process." Illiana said, or rather thought.

Illiana, if you hadn't already guessed can talk to animals. She hears what they are thinking in her head, sorta like a radio. She can then project something back and have conversations with the critters. She has never told anyone about this skill. She doesn't want to seem like an even bigger freak than she already is known as. And anyway, she kind of wanted to stay a secret thing between her and the animal kingdom. It felt special to her.
The next morning, walking through wee hours, a strange and fabled guest appeared. He crossed through the neighborhood as if he had done it many times before.
He wore a spiffy tuxedo of slick jet black and had sweet baby blue eyes. No, he is NOT a lounge singer though he does have an appreciation for music. No, he is a penguin, straight from the South Pole. Erm, North Pole. Antarctica?

But anyways, he was here, and it was a once in a lifetime moment.

I em jut walttying along lookeing kute

The little guy thought as he sauntered, er, waddled along.
And OK, I have to admit, that penguin is wickedly adorable. Just look into those big blue eyes and you have fallen deep in love. Maybe it's a trap. After all, good looks can be deceiving and to die for cuteness is not to be trusted. Ever.
Back inside, we have some more animal business. Sweet Melody has finally learned how to use the litter box. Once in a lifetime moment?
Erm....Let's just move on OK?
And as if we need anymore monkey business, we have Mistale and Brent here.
Their lips smacked as Brent's engulfed Mistale's, leaving her out of air and woozy headed. They both smiled when it was done.
"I love you Angel." He said as he lightly caressed her cheek and her shoulder.

"I love you to honey. And, erm thanks for the kiss. Just warn me next time Okay?" Mistale said as she giggled. "Wouldn't want me to choke to death right?"
"Course not, love. Now I gotta get ready for work, remember the thing at the local comedy club? I called and they said they got an opening as a stand up comedian. Pretty cool, huh?" He said excitedly. Mistale just giggled.
"But honey, isn't that hard work? You have to make up your own jokes and stuff? Be funny?"

"I am funny! And my jokes are top-notch, straight from the best source." He said as he pointed to his head.

"Oh, well, if it makes you happy then I'm all for it. Hahaha right?" And she kissed his cheek. "I have a job I was accepted for also. The Prosperous Acres police department seems to be paying well. I'm starting out as a security guard for the local mini mall. Hey! Why are you laughing?!"

Brent grabbed his chest and suppressed more laughter.

"Now tha's FUNNY! Forget me, YOU should be the comedian!" And he bent over laughing, Mistale eager to show that this elf has more than some prickly ears.
In the livingroom, a different couple had connected. 

"I have to tell you something Melody." Symphony said in his deepest voice.
"Erm, can I guess? You have a deep and irrevocable love for me?" She said as she looked at him in his golden eyes.
"HOW DID YOU KNOW?!?" Symphony chocked out, feeling relieved but also nervous.
"You kind of talk about in your sleep. Your so cute when you sleep, muttering gibberish about everyone." Melody said warmly, a purr emerging from her throat.
"I feel the same way Sym." 
And they kissed. Well, they sorta pushed their faces into each others noses but it was a beautiful moment none the less. And because they were in the heat of the love and they were already near it, they both ducked into the wooden doghouse, disappearing into feline fantasies.
Beep! Beep!

The bus rounded the street with a few loud honks and opened it's glass doors in front of the Songshaper's house. Illiana, emerging from her first day at Prosperous Elementary, had a smile on her face. 

"Bye Mr.Dave!" Illiana said as she waved at her driver, a blond man who smelled of liquor and cologne.
And skipping off the final step she did a little dance and then spun around back to the bus yelling at the girl who also stepping off the bus.

"Lyndsay! Lyndsay! I wanna show you everything!" She yelled to the young girl who was now stepping off the bus.
"I'm comin' Illiana!" The tan redhead said as she bobbled off the bus. 

They both hugged each other on the front lawn as they rushed inside, Illiana eager to show her everything about her new house. 
"So you have, like, the coolest house in the world!" Lyndsay said as she looked all around the large robin egg room. "Seriously, my house is, like, as big as this room!"

"I'm just getting used to it too. I grew up on the elf clan's land and we lived in tents. It wasn't very comfy."

"You belonged to a clan?! You mean like a commune sort of thing?" 

"Erm, kinda I guess. Everyone was really nice there though. We made our own clothes and stuff. Bathed under waterfalls and had our own hot tubs made from hot springs."
"Right on Illiana! You must be, like, the coolest girl I've ever met!"

And they high-fived each other, happy to have each others company.

  Illiana enjoyed all the time spent with Lyndsay, who was always asking about the elven culture and all that stuff. Illiana happily answered. Illiana even got the chance to show Lyndsay her ever improving painting skills.

"Look Lyn, I can do it without looking!" She giggled as she looked up at the ceiling, her hand slapping more paint on the canvas.

"Oh em gee! You can paint to? Your like wonder girl, Illiana!" Lyndsay squeed as she checked her watch."I have to go Illiana, can I come over tomorrow?"

"Of course Lyn, your my friend now, and friends can always come here." She said as she hugged her and watched her head towards the door.
Illiana picked her paints back up, ready to paint her new best friend. She thought it was funny what watercolor bottle held Lyndsay's hair color. "Ancient Ember." It was such a regal sounding color. Illiana's was "pitched black." It didn't have the same ring to it.
"Hey sweetie pie." Mistale c.ame from her room in a spiffy ironed uniform. "How was your little playdate?" 
"It was really fun." Illiana said as she hugged her mom. "Where is mommy going?"
"Tonight's my shift at the mall. Just go to sleep tonight as usual. I'll be there in the morning to get you all ready and get your lunch packed. OK? There's a few pizzas on the counter, Your dad is downstairs on his toy bench." And they hugged, Mistale catching her carpool. 
And now back in the kitchen, we have Symphony, who is now hungry after an unexpected mating session between him and Melody. He eyes the plate carefully but keeps away from it. Now that is an obedient cat.
Clink Clink Clink

The loud sounds of hammer against rock once again started as Brent kept banging on the large cubes of stone, hoping one day he would be enlightened enough to make something different. Melody just stared up at him.

"%*#@ this stupid thing! I wanna make something else! My hands are bloody! I need change!" He yelled up at the great God, who didn't seem to be listening.

"One day, one day, I will create toys and they will sell in all the stores. The very name of Hasbro toys will bow down to my utter awesomeness." He muttered to himself.
But for right now, he busied himself with the blocks of rock. 
The litter box on the other hand, became the very essence of the word "neglected."
But Thank Goodness they have Mistale, who, in the dead of night, emerged from her carpool with a beaming smile and a promotion under her belt.
And, tucking under the thick cotton covers, she quickly fell asleep, drained from her day as a security guard. It was a tough job after all. But as he heard her snores begin, Brent tiptoed out of bed and dialed the number for a taxi cab. He had an itch that only a few bright lights and some cheesy pop music could satisfy. It was time to go clubbin'.
And with absolutely so plan and no money, he quietly made his way to the crypt-o-night, somewhere he had seen in an advertisement in the newspaper.

Pretty ladies, Nice neon and enough music to rot the inner core of your gray matter!
Vistit the Crypt-O-Night!
But Brent soon found out that clubbing was a lot harder when you were 35 and had hobbies that include toy making and MMOS. But when he met Sayuri Pinkheart LaRose, the sister of Olive, the girl he sorta hit on a little while ago,(see LaRose chapter 1)  he thought he should introduce himself.

"Hello Miss, I'm Brent Songshaper!" He said and tried to shake her hand.
"Brent Songshaper? Aren't you the guy who hit on my sister?" She said, with a disgusted tone. "And judging by that shiny gold thing on your finger, your married."

"Erm, well...." He struggled to form words as he blushed and recounted his sins. If Mistale had found out his life would be over. Yet, why was he still doing it?
And he pondered this as he lounged on the leather seats, the music blasting around him. He felt horrible pangs of regret when he thought of his actions with Olive and other girls like her. Casual flirting when he knew she wasn't looking. He loved his wife more than anything in the world combined and it hurt him to know that he was hurting her. He tried to think of solutions, and the only one that came to mind was a full lock down on entertainment venues except for home and his work. An all out flirt strike. 

He just hoped he wouldn't cave.
And as he crawled into bed with the only exception to this rule,in her gentle arms, he knew he had made the right decision.

The next few days went by relatively normal for the Songshapers. The sunshine had turned into a rare occurrence on the onset of winter. The butterflies were migrating to a warmer place, yet they were not fast enough to get away from Illiana.

"I'll catcha! I'll catcha!" She said as she waved the glass jar around erratically.

"Please don't hurt us! We want to live!" She heard them say in melodic voices.
She finally caught some. They fluttered about.

"Don't worry. Its all just the thrill of the catch. I'll release you." She thought and she heard them all sigh in relief together.
"Thank you, daughter of mighty Akkar, you are truly a Goddess of Earth!" And they flew away in a flurry of colors when she lifted the lid.
Mistale started to really excel in her career also. She had been promoted multiple times and now had a stable job as a patrol officer. Still, she looked higher than that, she wanted to be the modern kind of superwoman. That would be really cool.
"So what if you accidentally got some of that pepper spray in your eyes? Or what if you accidentally thought the bottle what nasal spray and you inhaled it? Yeowch!" Brent mused as Deputy Britney looked confused.

"Um, yeah, I think I need to go take this call." She said as she held the radio pinned on her shirt pocket which hadn't actually had any calls come through.

Brent had in fact, stayed true to his word. He had only talked to the ladies at his work and this woman, a friend of Mistales. He hadn't been at any clubs and he hadn't even read the new Sports Illustrated swimsuit magazine. It was cold turkey, but he felt good about it.
But on another note, Melody and Symphony got a bit of a surprise one cool morning in the wee hours. As Melody slept, she was suddenly engulfed in a swirl of sparkles. 
 Symphony didn't know what was happening to his lover. He scratched at the doors of the humans and meowed loudly.
But when he returned he got a very different surprise. In front of him were two white kitties with gentle blue eyes. 
"Melody...they're beautiful...." Symphony meowed as the little munchkins immediately headed for their mother's milk, squeaking the whole way, high pitched and completely adorable.
"I know sweetie...their precious. I'll love my sweet babies forever." Melody said in a motherly way and nurturing way.

 She flipped one of the newborns and started licking it's fur.

"I think I have the perfect names for them Melody. How about Lickidy and Split?" Symphony said excitedly.  

"Erm, how about something different? Let's say......Itty and Bitty." Melody said.
"I'll tell Illiana in the morning. She'll tell the rest of the family."
 And so it was settled. The twin kittens were named the rather cutesy names of Itty and Bitty. And lets just say it was very hard to keep track of which was which. Identical twins are hard.
Another day pasted, and was filled with many messes and spills from the two little new little Songshapers. It was truly a big difference from two little cats to four. The house was packed but they wouldn't have it any other way. Especially Illiana, who had two new sweethearts to care for, and she could talk to them too.

But on a chilly Thursday night,  Mistale got a call on her work cell phone. The call was from the chief of the police department. He had a big job for her. It basically consisted of heading down to the "Hub" and scouting out for Trace Beckford, a local felon with a rap sheet the length of the Mississippi river and was now suspected on a murder. She agreed, after all, it entailed a big overtime check.
It was actually a pretty cushy job. At least that's what she thought when she searched the place with the given physical details about Trace (Red hair and causal clothing.)
and found no "trace" of him. She then decided to keep a lookout and after one thing led to another, she was working as a DJ as well as an undercover cop.
She actually enjoyed it a whole lot than being out on the streets in a sweaty patrol car. 
It doesn't mean she was good at it: She found that twisting the record while pushing a gazillion buttons was hard work. She frequently dropped her headphones and only narrowly saved them from falling to the ground.
And although she tried her best, only one person hung around to listen to her shoddy tunes. He was a tall black haired man who wore a formalish sweater. Definitely not the Trace guy. When her fingers were thoroughly bruised, she stepped off the platform.
And since she felt appreciation that she had even one fan, she introduced herself.

"Hi, I'm the DJ lady, Mistale Songshaper. And you are...?"

"Robert McCullough. I'm so glad I got to meet the jammer girl herself. You have some pretty good skills on that. Do this often?"

Mistale laughed at this.

"Nope. Actually I'm a cop. Undercover. Shoot, I'm not supposed to say that. But you don't look like a felon so I guess I didn't do that bad."

"I don't? Well then Mistale, how about I treat you to a late night meal. Upstairs they have a very nice terrace dining restaurant. Their deserts are killer." 
She agreed, after all the tab was on him and she was awfully peckish. So picking a comfy seat overlooking the city, they picked out their choice on the fancy menus. They each ordered two slices of cinnamon cake and two glasses of white wine. Mistale probably shouldn't be drinking while on the job, but for some reason, Robert's gentle smile and carefree personality encouraged her.
"So what do you do Robert? Y'know, when you aren't at clubs dancing to terrible DJs."

"What do I do......Well, I work at home. Self made millionaire kind of thing." He said as his hands slightly tensed up. Mistale's mouth hung open when she heard "million." 

"So you have any family? Any kids?" She asked.

"Nope. As alone as the desert sun, I have been. I would just kill to have somebody to share my life with."

As Robert said this, she had an uneasy feeling about how he emphasized the last word. Actually, now that she thought about it, he had mentioned the word "kill" multiple times already. Mistale had the strangest gut reaction to it. Suddenly his carefree personality seemed kinda false. She trusted this feeling.

"Erm, I think I have to go Robert. I need to be back at home..." And without staying to eat the cake, she ran into the lady's restroom. And in a stall she took out the silver cell phone she had been entrusted by the department.

"Sarge, I think I found Trace. He isn't a redhead and he's wearing a dress shirt. He's up on the terrace."

And it didn't take long for the squad cars to show up. And after a search of the man, and seeing his distinct "MOM" tattoo on his thigh, they determined he was Trace Beckford, thief and killer. He was apprehended. 

And for the rest of the night, Mistale was deemed a hero. And by gosh, she felt like one. 

And that concludes Songshaper Chapter 1!
Please leave comments and tell me what you think. Suggest plot twists and I may even put them in my story!
Stay tuned to meet the Carlisle family, which are thrust in a neighborhood with people they deem classless and poor. Will their pride survive the new neighborhood?