Fields Chapter 1: Im going all In, does that make me look tuff?

"Over here baby, don't be shy, the beds warm." Terrell laughed as he looked up at his beauty. "How about we celebrate the new house?" and he pulled her arm and wrestled her onto the patterened bedsheets, a smile on both of their faces. 
 "I love you so much" He whispered in her ear as he kissed her cheek. 
"Fine, we can do this but I gotta ask you something." Ayana said as she looped her arms around Terrell's waist feeling the slender muscle on his arms and smelling the crisp smell of drakkar noir, his signature smell.

"What is it baby?" He asked a smile still on his face as he kissed her neck.
"I....I really..." But she trailed off, to nervous to tell him about what she desperately wanted, needed. "It's nothing actually. Never mind."

But he hadn't even bothered to hear the last bit as he was to busy kissing her in all the right places, and getting what he wanted even though he would always want more.

Always want more.
The Fields had moved into the old converted farmhouse after seeing the white beauty in one of those real estate magazines they sell in Chinese restaurants. Danny Lynn had seen it and marveled at it's quaint charm.

"This is the one we need." She had said as she showed each of them the listing, each of them squinting to see the outside. "It's the right time to buy! Olivia's birthday is coming up and I really want her to live somewhere nice." She had also said, as the mental image of her old home life snaked it's way through the brick wall she had erected so many years ago.
"I think Danny's right." Her husband, Bradley had proclaimed. "I mean what could go wrong in a town called 'Prosperous Acres'?" 

And so it was settled. Buy the medium size farmhouse and live in the seemingly perfect town of Prosperous Acres.
In the house is Bradley Fields, one of the most subdued personalities in the whole neighborhood. Bradley is a naturally handsome man and was forced to compete in children modeling shoots by his mother. He hated every second that he was forced in front of a camera and moved out the minute the clock announced he was 18 and could make his own decisions. He married the only woman he had ever loved, Danny Lynn and then had a child named Olivia, who is positively the best thing that ever happened to him. He is also the brother of Terrell Fields, something he secretly isn't proud of.
Then there is Danny Lynn, the content wife of Bradley Fields. Coming from a dangerous life in a poorhouse, she learned to be weary to trust people, because more often then not, they will stab you in the back, literally or figuratively. Danny is a quiet and sweet girl, interested in seeing to others health, trying to make their life just a little better. Danny Lynn is the mother of Olivia, and just like her husband, would risk life and limb for that little smiling face.
And speaking of the little thing, there is Olivia right there. Olivia is a simple tot, and always aims to please her two loving parents or her uncle. (If he stops to pay attention to her) Other than that she lives a happy, sheltered life, her eyes bright and her smile wide.
Then there is the newlyweds, Terrell and Ayana. Sharing only 5 months of knowing each other, Ayana was the one who took the plunge and proposed marriage to Terrell. Terrell said "yes" but only with a large amount of prodding and THE deal. The deal that said that they would get married only if there was no children involved in the future. This devastated Ayana to no end, leaving her crushed and swept away. She reluctantly agreed, only to secure the famous bachelor that went to her high school and always seemed to have another girl on his arm.

  They are both outgoing people with big dreams. Ayana also decided that with no children she would stay home as build a business. Terrell has no idea that she wants a business and a baby. And Ayana is the type of woman who won't let a bump in the road or a little deal get in the way of what she wants.
And last but not least in the large Fields family is the lovely Henna. With large blue eyes and always red lips, she was always the favorite with the boys at her school. But she never really paid attention, never even having a boyfriend. Instead, she spent her time at the local library, showering her eyes with books, books and more books. Henna is the best friend of Terrell and Ayana, and since she had no other better places to go, decided to live with the Fields and even legally changed her last name. 
Now enough of introductions, lets see what's going on inside...

"There you go Olivia! Here's your new house. It's nice isn't it?" Danny said to the small toddler in her arms, who was looking around her, taking in the whole house.

"Now you remember Mr.Potty chair right Liv?" Danny squeaked out and Olivia giggled a sweet little sound.
Danny Lynn gently placed the cutie on the little seat that had been in there old house in a small and cramped apartment downtown. Olivia sat and looked her mommy in the eyes, a smile across her lips as she just sat and watched her mommy.

"Oh come now Liv, I know you have to go. You know how." Danny encouraged, wanting her daughter to finally learn the basic skills any other toddler already had down-pat. 
But Olivia just kept staring, while Danny Lynn sighed, wondering what exactly she was doing wrong and hoping Olivia would grow out of it.
"I'm a beautiful ballerina." Ayana said while stretching her arms up to the ceiling."My abilities are unmatched by any other."  Ayana praised herself, while she held onto the oak bar.

Ayana had recently been getting herself in shape so "she would look good for her customers." Ayana was always the one to think about every little way to be just a hint more successful. This business endeavor, something she had planned for years, was finally coming to a boil. She could either take the dive or regret that she hadn't. 
Outside, on the little porch, Terrel and Bradley had come to welcome the visitors.
Among them was Taylor Sanderson, a pretty girl that smelled of white rose perfume and innocence. Terrell was instantly caught up in a net of attraction. His brother Bradley just stared at him as he stared at the brunette beauty. 
"God she's gorgeous..." Terrell whispered to his brother, his eyes sparkling with that same look Bradley knew so well.

"Terrell! Honor this!" Bradley whispered angrily as he pointed to the glittering golden ring on his finger. Terrel just sighed, still swept up in her honey sweet beauty. It was like a drug to him. He needed it.

"Don't worry 'bout me Brad. I got this situation handled. You should go do some unpacking." Terrel said to his big brother.

"Ok. Just...just remember your morals. And if you don't have any find them. Ayana deserves it." Bradley said harshly, coldly as he stepped inside, wishing his brother hadn't been born a disgrace.
Back inside, Danny was having a tough time with an old chess set that had been left there by the previous owners.

"I can't figure this out! How am I supposed to play by myself? Seriously, who's winning when I'm playing myself?" She cried as she moved a pawn up to a knight.
Back outside, things weren't going so well for Terrell.

"Iz don't zike you talking zebout that." Taylor exclaimed as she raised her freshly manicured hand in his face.

"Huh? I seriously don't understand a thing you said."  He said dumbly as he looked at her hand.
"Iz zed I don't zike you." Taylor remarked in her thick French accent and slapping him on the arm. "Zou don't know zow to treat women." 

"Erm, I just told you that you had cute freckled. Seriously is that that bad?" Terrell laughed out and Taylor left, with a large amount of RAGE. Terrell was confused and only hoped that he hadn't lost his edge with women. He needed it to get what he really wanted which was, like his brother already knew, was to get as many ladies to love him as he could. Oh yes, he was a sinner, but a happy sinner he was.
After being excruciatingly aggravated with chess, Danny Lynn turned on the old computer and let the old thing whir to life. She clicked on the internet and typed in "jobs in Prosperity Acres" and got 245,000 matches. Clicking on the first result just got her to a site with dirty advertisements lining the border. Danny Lynn quickly clicked back, disgusted at what people put on the web. And even though she had seen it all in her childhood, she couldn't help but feel a lump in her throat.

But after a few minutes she had found what she was looking for. And, conveniently she applied for a job as an EMT. And when she was at it, applied Terrell for a job as a Aerobics instructor, Henna as a fish chummer (She didn't know what else to get her) and Bradley as a recruit in the military. 
  Sweaty and tired from dancing, Ayana moved on to sewing, which she had always done as a child when her mother would show her how to thread a needle or tie off the end to a scarf. Ayana knew that she would have to refine her skills in order to sell her wares. She wouldn't put her name on something if it wasn't her absolute best.
"Fingeh tastes yummeh." Olivia said as she licked her fingers, and laughed.

Erm, yeah...we're just gonna move on now. We wouldn't want to be here when
Olivia realizes that eating fingers isn't nearly as fun as eating narrators. 
And look right here! It looks like Henna has made a friend. The cute red head is Melanie Carlisle. They have bonded on books, which is something Henna can relate to.

"So Melanie did you hear about the new Skylight book?" Henna asked excitably as she cherished this moment that someone actually knew what she was talking about.

"Yeah! I heard Fredward gets Nella pregnant and the baby is a plantsimwerewolf mix!"
"Actually" Henna whispered into Melanie's ear. "I have a copy of the manuscript and Nella is pregnant with Drake's baby!" 
"Oh my gosh! I...I'm so surprised!"

And the conversation went on in this same way for a while, book nerd to book nerd.
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine you make me happy, when times are gray.
You don't know how much I love you. So please don't take my sunshine away."
Danny sang as she cupped her hand around Olivia's little head.

"It's almost your birthday, sweetie. What do you want?"

"Meh wants a kitteh cat." Olivia answered.

"Erm....How about a dollhouse?" Danny said.

"Dawlhouwse? Meh want a kitteh cat. Or a poneh." Olivia declared, as her mom just sighed and wondered where they would put a stable.

 And as the night swept over the sun, the weekly tradition set by Henna and Terrell was met. Arriving in a bright yellow taxi, they went back to their favorite place in the world: Rodney's hideout.
 Everyone in the establishment knew who they were already, they were regulars since their junior year of high school when they used fake I.D's to play poker. And all these years later, they still played poker, every Tuesday night.
 "I'll raise ya 20." Henna said in a perfect show-no-emotion poker way.

"Well I'll go all in." Terrell responded, pushing a full stack of chips in the center of the table and smiling coyly.
 "You really wanna do that loverboy?" Henna smirked as she looked up at her friend.

"I don't know. Does it make me look tuff?" He prodded.

"Nope." Henna laughed as the last card in the line was revealed. An 8. That means she had a straight. "But what do you have there slick?"

He Turned his cards over. A royal Flush. Henna gasped and then burst out laughing.

"Pretty good there loverboy. I guess that was pretty tuff."

"Anything to please you sweet Henna." And he looked into her deep blue eyes and in that second they connected in a different level. He noticed her in a different light than best friend. He had always known she was hot but not like this.

"I...I think we should leave." He said and they did. And in that moment he realized he was in love with Henna. He cussed and got into the taxi, wishing he hadn't made his love life that more complicated.
 Back at the farmhouse, everyone was asleep save for Danny Lynn. She just couldn't get herself into the mindset to welcome sleep. She had always been an insomniac and the only thing that would entertain her was watching her love's gentle breathing and soak in his body's smell.

He smells like Pine needles and sunshine 
 And as she thought this, the sleeping body awoke and turned to his freckled sweetheart.

"You should get some sleep Danny." He said as he groggily wrapped his arm around her body, taking in her own scent of freesia and lilies.

"I can't....there is just so much on my mind." 

"What could possibly be bothering you?" He asked as he positioned his muscled body by hers, kissing her.
"It's just that......I think that.....maybe Olivia needs a sibling." She stumbled out between intense kisses.

"Mmmmm really?" He mumbled as he pulled off her tiny white night gown. "We  could make that happen." And the lovebirds ascended into momentary bliss as they shared an intimate night together.

The next morning, with the sun low in  the air, at a time when most toddlers would be asleep, Olivia was up and was grasping her favorite toy on the kitchen floor, an old and slightly grungy sock monkey that had been put through the ringer. Its one arm was almost dismembered but it didn't faze the little cherub. She was just happy her mommy and daddy had let her keep the old thing. 

"So Misteh Sockeh, how ah you todah?" 

"I'm horribleh Olivia." She responded to herself in the deepest voice she could manage.

"Why ah Misteh Sockeh doing badh?"

"Ih got a cwhazy girlh conthralling meh." Olivia said in the deep voice for the monkey and looked round the room suspiciously. 

 Also in the kitchen was Danny Lynn, still gleaming from last night's success. She has no idea it would be that easy to persuade Bradley to have another child. If she had known, she would have done it sooner. She stared into the fridge, a frown on her features.

"There's no food in here." Pouted Danny. "And we all have to go to work today!" 

Danny then proceeded on having an all-out panic attack on food, which leads your humble narrator to think she's already pregnant. She's not at the moment but she might be soon. After all, Bradley approves this decision, then she should do it right?
Bradley sidled into the kitchen also, while wiping his eyes.

"How are my two favorite ladies?" He asked as he picked up his little girl and kissed Danny Lynn on the cheek.

"Daddeh I gawt secret." Olivia whispered when she was in his arms.

"Well then I gotta hear it Angel. What is it?" 

"I tinks Misteh Sockeh has crush on you." She said into his ear and giggled. "He tohld me and said it was secret." Bradley laughed.

"Gosh, I didn't know Mister Socky swung that way." And he looked into his daughter's eyes. "Tell him: I appreciate the thought but I'm married." And he winked at his wife.
One by one Henna, Bradley, Danny Lynn and Terrell (not pictured) Went in for their first day on the job, with Ayana staying at home to get the business up and running and look after Olivia. 

Ayana loved the job. She could spend time with an adorable child and try not to think about the possibility that she would never have any. And that stung even worse when the news that a new child from Brad and Danny could possibly on the way. It made her want to cry. It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair. It just wasn't fair.

But then she finally made the decision. She was going to have that baby. She was going to raise it and love it and give it the best life possible. She didn't give a care about any stupid deal they had made. She didn't even care if the marriage ended badly.
So while Ayana determinedly rifled through Danny Lynn's parenting books, Olivia played in the toilet on Ayana's watch. Oh, the irony, it burns.

"Meh potteh is smalleh then this one. And it's got flowehs to. Oooh! But what's that?
Flusheh flusheh! My potteh doesn't have that!" And she flushed the toilet more in 20 minutes than it had ever been flushed before. Poor potty.
And let's just say that Ayana ate a lot of ramen.

"Not ramen......SPAGHETTI O'S!" she said between mouthfuls.

And by the how does Ayana hear me? I'm just a voice. Nobody hears me.

"Spaghetti O's grant special powers. I can hear beyond my world."

I'll just go ahead and say that no Spaghetti O's are no longer in the house. There is a neighborhood ban on them. Punishable by death. 
And as two pairs of tires rounded the corner and a door opened, a sad and disappointed face arrived. His eyes were dry, after all he was a strong man, but he was still non immune to sadness. The rain pelted his skin but he didn't care.
In his hand was a stack of pastel papers with the title: 

Papers of Release; Bradley Fields; Recruit
He kicked a puddle and got the heels of his shoes muddy.
It wasn't really his fault. He made a decision and it bit him in the back. He was just angry with himself. They had already spent much of their meager savings on the down payment of the house. They were already scraping by and that didn't even include Ayana's business dreams, Olivia's birthday party, and the biggest of them all: the new baby. 
But life went on. The sergeant's at the base said that he was a tough man and doesn't deserve to go out the way he had. They said that if he re-applied and learned from this "incident" he could return.

And this was good news to Bradley who tossed his baby girl into the air, as she waved her hands in the air.

"I hem supehegirl. I hem Olivia Sockeh!"

Bradley put her daughter in his arms and looked at her and furrowed his brow.

"Since when are you Olivia Sockey? I thought he had a thing for me?"

"Sockey moveh on quickleh. We marriehed." She said matter-of-factly.
Danny Lynn also got home, as her job as an EMT, now a nurse after a good helping of promotions. She loved every minute of what she did, and wouldn't trade if for the world. 
"Oh honey I love Prosperous Acres! It's such a breath of fresh air. I can breathe!"
Danny declared as she pirouetted across the cool wood floors. "Life couldn't be any better Brad!"

He raised an eyebrow as she said this.

"So does that mean you don't want another baby?"

"Huh? Oh! No! I want another! I was just sayin-" But she was silenced by his tender lips.

"I know what you mean sweetie. You don't have to explain." And he slinked his arms around her waist. "So you want one now?" He asked in a serious tone.

She thought about this thoroughly for a few minutes.

"I think we should wait." She said in a clear, solid tone. "I want one desperately but we need more money before we bring another into this world." 

"Fair enough." And he kissed her on the forehead. 
A few days went by, everyone's time filled up with work, cleaning and building skills to reach that next promotion. Olivia on the other hand, was getting lonely just talking to Mister Sockey so she was glad when Henna, having a day off from her job in the oceanography career decided to read to her on a sunny day on the old creaky porch.
It was truly a nice treat for the little girl and the big girl alike.
".....And the woman sneered as she looked into the young princess' eyes. The witch opened the oven and threw the girl inside it. The End...." Henna read, confused about the strange ending.

"Hennie! Why does theh storeh have sad ending?" Olivia said and cocked her head.

"I don't know sweetheart. I guess all good things have to end." 

Olivia just sat and pondered this scrap of information, obviously distressed.
But all of a sudden two pairs of footsteps sounded up the steps. Henna looked up at the visitors and recognized them as Sayuri Pinkheart and Olive Honeyluck. Both from the LaRose family that lived down the street. Henna smiled.

"Hi Henna! We're really sorry to come here without calling or anything but we need some sugar." Henna looked down at the glass measuring cup in Olive's hands.
"Could we please use some?"

"Yeah! Sure! Make yourself at home! There's some sugar in the top cabinet by the sink. Mi casa su Casa!  Hollar if you need anything!"
 When Sayuri had retrieved the ingredient, she turned to leave, not wanting to intrude on others hospitality. But not Olive. She turned on the stereo and started getting down to the music.

"Go ahead Sayuri. I think I'll chill here for a while." She said while swinging her arms in the air, totally oblivious to Ayana, who was reading up on legal rights of first time business owners.
 It didn't take long for Terrell to smell the delicate scent of WOMAN, as he descended the stairs to meet the uncommonly beautiful young woman.Olive. She was a local legend already, a true romantic just like himself.

Now he just couldn't wait to eat her up.
 It all started out innocently enough, dancing between acquaintances, nothing more, nothing less. Just the beat, a man and an attractive woman moving their long legs to the lyrics of a singer neither of them knew the name of. That's all it was. At least for that moment it was.
"Why in the world am I the only one who cleans up this place?!" Danny Lynn cried as she scooped up a bag of toddler pee.

"Seriously, if I have to pick up Ayana and Terrel's clothes from me and Brad's bedroom, I'm gonna go insane. I mean do they really have to do that in our room? They go their own room BUT NO! Do it in ours!" 
Meanwhile the "acquaintances" were still just doing what normal non-friend people do. Actually, that is a lie. Terrell had brought Olive upstairs and was engaging in very illicit activities. AKA making out in him and his WIFE'S closet. 

"Oh Olive....You are a great kisser, I don't suppose you've done this before" Terrell mused as he winked at her.

"I majored in it baby..." She responded with a wild look in her eyes.
"It's just that, well, I've been down this road before. It always ends badly." Olive said as she gently released herself from his grip. "I...I just really don't wanna get all caught up with all this. My family would hate it if any of this got out."

Terrell looked into her eyes seductively. In his heart he really wanted the right mind that he could deal with a commited relationship and live with one person for the rest of his life. But just the thought made him feel like he was wearing a wool turtleneck in the heart of a hot August day. Suffocating.

"Don't worry your pretty little head off." He sang off-tune as he dropped to his knees and spread his arms into the air.

Terrell then commenced in singing a corny love song, when he probably should be singing Womanizer by Britney Spears.
And apparently Olive was convinced, for once again she was swept up in his reckless embrace. They didn't even hear as the door handle twisted to the right and, fortunately for them, turned out to only be Sayuri, who was there to collect her sister to come back home. 

No idea why she was holding Mister Sockey. Seriously, that's some weird stuff right there.
"So what do you think we should get Olivia for her birthday?" Danny Lynn asked.

"Get her a dog. She has been begging for one. Might as well get her one so she'll move on from Mr.Sockey." He laughed at the thought of that odd doll.

"Yeah, I was thinking about the dog thing. You think she's ready?" At the question Bradley shrugged.

"I guess we'll see when she gets one." He said as a sudden giggle was heard from behind the couch. Each of them turned to see Olivia, a smile from eye to eye.

"Olivia happeh abouh getting doggeh." And the two proud parents laughed.
 The big day did arrive though, and an old table in the attic was dusted off and a sweet cupcake table cloth was put on to cover it. A few colorful balloons were strung around the house along with pastel streamers. Danny Lynn had decided that a huge party with guests and commotion wasn't in order this time. Instead, the members of the house gathered around with smiles on their faces. It was a nice little party for a nice little girl.
 "You hear that Olivia? That's your family all around you. They all love you sweetie."
She then saw Ayana blow loudly on a noisemaker. "And there's your crazy auntie. She loves you too." Everyone started laughing.
 "So blow out your candles sweetie, and enjoy child hood!" Danny Lynn exclaimed as Olivia squirmed in her arms, wanting to touch the flickery lights.
Danny Lynn set her down, eager to watch the transformation of the daughter she loved so much.

Olivia grew up into a beautiful girl, so much like her mother and father.
Danny Lynn handed her a small package when she had aged.

"This doesn't look like a doggy to me momma." She said glumly as she shook it.

"Look inside sweetie." She said as Olivia rapidly tore open the pretty pink paper.

"Ooh! It's a ticket for A DOGGYY!" She yelled as she flapped a hand written slip of paper through the air.

"We wanted you to pick out your own dog." Danny Lynn said as she wrapped her arms around her daughter. "So we'll go out soon and get you one. And don't just hug me, your dad's the one who was the dealmaker."
 Running over to her father, who had been quiet during the little celebration suddenly was pummeled with a hug from his 9 year old daughter.

"Thank you daddy! You'r the best daddy in the world!" And she squeezed him tightly, already thinking about names for her future canine friend. 

"Your welcome sweetheart. I'm so proud of you." He said back in a breathtakingly lifetime movie way.
Shortly after the party, Ayana made the call that would change her life.
After years of buildup and anticipation and saving, she was making the call. Ayana felt like this was such a turning point. Maybe it was the fact that the people she knew were getting older or the fact that she still hadn't achieved any of her goals.
So she dialed the number and, in a surprisingly speedy process, was granted the deed to the "Mercantile Mart" which she aptly renamed "Fields of Deals" She hailed a taxi to see it for the first time.

And wearing her un-tailored black leather jacket, she stepped up the concrete paving stones.And upon seeing the white facade and pink flowery bushes,her heart filled up with irrevocable joy. She slid her hand over the pine doors before she opened them. 
Inside, there was a dotted floor and three cube display cases. The only other thing inside was a counter which was topped with an electronic cash register. Her heart could have stopped and never beat again and she would have died a very happy woman. 
And as she stood behind the register she couldn't help but feel proud. She had finally accomplished her goal. Well, one of them at least. She rubbed her flat stomach and sighed. It was like winning the battle and losing the war.

And that concludes Fields Chapter 1!
Please leave comments and tell me what you think. Suggest plot twists and I may even put them in the story!
Stay tuned to meet the Songshaper family, which wacky antics and strange hobbies worry the neighbors. Not to mention an elf and a illegitimate vampire daughter!


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