Carlisle Chapter 1: A Shocking Situation indeed!

As the sun marched brightly into the fresh baby blue sky, the two fair skinned blond girls romped around the freshly cut, emerald green grass. Their long hair hung loose and their eyes sparkled. They both took solace in the knowledge that all that separated their tender feet from the ground was a thin sandal.   

"Push me Trin! Push me!" Anne Boleyn cheered as she hooked her hands on the orange bar. "And don't go easy on me! I am older than you too!"
Trinity smiled widely and tucked her feet into the ground, digging in deep and getting the best room to release. Anne braced herself and held on tightly to the rail, the gentle wind stirring her large curls. 
After a few seconds of suspense, Trinity finally released and spun the little whirl-o-round wildly, sending Anne Boleyn hurling towards the opposite end and barely catching herself. Trinity gracefully hopped on and rode with no hands, taking in the feeling of weightlessness. When the spinning seized, Anne Boleyn hugged her sister close and kissed her cheek lovingly. 

"Now THAT is how you spin! I about fell over with that one!" Said the young and beautiful girl. 
 The Carlisles are new crop in the fresh fields of Prosperous Acres. They moved from the quaint and scenic plains of France to respond to the call Adam had received on a hot July day. He and his wife, Melanie, were sunbathing on their elaborate veranda while the children played in the colossal pool that was located in the courtyard of the fine European mansion. Tipping his designer glasses up, he heard the gasps of his agent and publicist. 

"Adam! Adam! It's bad! It's bad!" The man had choked out.

"Merl, settle down. Now, what is the issue? Another PETA member organizing a strike over Melanie's furs?" Adam had mused as he looked over at his wife, who had a bronze tan paired with a skimpy gold bikini  that was laced with fox fur.

"No! No! Adam, it's worse! They found out about the money laundering! And the gambling! Everything!" The man stumbled on as the color ran out from Adam's face.

Instantly Adam knew that they had to leave. So in half an hours time, the family of four boarded a dirty bus, with dark hoods over their well known faces, not looking up but to quickly steal a look at each others sad faces. Their lavish furnishings were left behind and the front page reputations of them all gone without a trace. In fact, the only thing that existed after the move was their names. They figured that in the town of Prosperous Acres, they could at least hold on to one remnant. 
  Now to introduce you formally to the head of the Carlisle family.
Adam Carlisle, well known across Europe and Asia and most of America. He started his career at the tender age of 3, when his mother force fed him into child beauty pageants, and winning most with his charming good looks. 

He met his wife, Melanie at a modeling event. She was the tall redhead with electric green eyes and wearing the days hottest couture. And him being the most eligible bachelor in Paris, asked the most beautiful woman in the modeling industry to marry him. Adam has two children, Trinity and Anne Boleyn. He loves his little Angels, but is openly detested of the fact that he needs an heir for the acting career that he is determined to remake in this new town. He just hopes he will do things a little better this time. After all, how fun is money laundering if you had already done it a thousand times?
 And then there is Melanie. Having cut off her hair during the big move to conceal her identity, she is largely unrecognizable from the curly haired diva that strutted on the long runways. 

Melanie is what you would call a "perfectionist." She takes great pride in her looks and hopes that one day she could live back in a sunny vista with expendable cash. After all, going from a 9000 square foot mansion to a 650 square foot cottage is a drastic change, especially for a martini sipping socialite like herself.

Melanie is lovingly married to her dashing husband and overlooks his shortfalls. I.E: breaking the law. Melanie is a proud woman and even the lowest conditions wouldn't break that. Back hand comments and offensive quips are her innocent pleasure.
And then there is the first of the Carlisle girls, Anne Boleyn. With wild curls and a sweet babydoll face, little Annie is the apple of anyone's eye. Just liking to romp around, she is glad they moved.
And lastly is Trinity, the youngest daughter to the Carlisle bloodline. Always one for a nice game of tag with her playful sis, she is adventurous and free-spirited with just a tinge of recklessness. 
But as the introductions have been fulfilled, lets take a peek at the now un-famous family....

"I hate this stupid rain!" Melanie screamed as she jumped up and down in a small rain puddle, soaking her uncomfortable Payless ballet flats.

"Is there ANY sun?!" She wailed as she kept stomping, and wanting so bad that scorching European sun.
"Whats happening out there hon?" Adam called from the front window of the house.

"Nothing sweetie!" She called back in a sing-song voice as she walked over to the door and kissed him full on the lips. "Nothing at all."
After the kiss, Adam booted up the computer they had received as a welcome gift from a Mr.Humble man, who had dropped it off nonchalantly on their doorstep. Not questioning the sanity of that, Adam clicked on his old email account and was displeased but not surprised when a large red box popped up and said it was deleted. The FBI had probably nicked it during the investigation of his disappearance. 

But looking through the classifieds, he found exactly what he was searching for. A job as a entertainer at a sports coliseum. It damaged his pride to be starting from the bottom once again, but he knew in his heart he was born to entertain. And that was exactly what he would do.
Meanwhile, on guidance of their mother, the girls practiced their finer skills. Both of them hated chess but since the rain was coming down, along with lightning, they reluctantly agreed. 
"Whats this piece again Trin?" Anne Boleyn asked as she held up a small plastic chip.

"That one is a pawn. It can only go forward." The younger girl replied.

"So....I can't do this?" Anne Boleyn took the pawn and slid it all the way to the other side. She smiled.

 "Nope, but that was kinda cool." Trinity said as she took one of her silver pawns and drug it to the other side of the board.

They both busted out laughing as they moved each piece any where they pleased, not caring about any rules. For them, this was much more fun.
As for Melanie, she was busy welcoming the guests that were there to welcome them to the neighborhood. Among them was Annabella LaRose and Olive Honeyluck LaRose. Melanie thought they were suitable company, even though she was freaked out by the ball joints that lined Annabella's body. She didn't know what to think of that.
And as the rain poured down, and bolts of white lightning shot from the heavens, another woman who had came to visit the Carlisles was caught up in a very shocking situation. 


A beam shot through her body, rocking her frame and casting a dark char across her skin. She convulsed for a few minutes after the strike.
Olive Honeyluck had watched the whole thing. With her heart beating, she steadied the old woman, who only had her undergarments remaining.

"Are you going to be OK?!" Olive shouted as the woman's eyes wiggled in all directions.

 The woman just continued to convulse and shake, and refused the need for an ambulance.
And when the fast friends, Annabella and Melanie hugged (apparently they had missed the whole scene) the old woman swung her arm up and mumbled.

"I betta gow now..." She said as she felt her black hair. "Yeah...." And the woman loped back home, spurts of electricity coursing through her veins.

And alas, she survived.

So when the torrid weather had halted, it was a welcome thing indeed. Especially for little Anne Boleyn who was busy with making lemonade. Her family had always had lots of money, and now they were just normal. But Anne didn't really care. She actually didn't like the claustrophobic confines of the opulent mansions she had lived in. The fresh air of Prosperous Acres was so much more fresh
Squirt, squee, squirt

The lemons produced a sweetly sour melody as she took each yellow fruit and crushed them in her grasp. She put 32 lemons worth of juice in the jug before adding in a full bag of sugar. She was a little worried when most of it didn't dilute into the liquid, but she wasn't about to quit now.
So she started squeezing in more fruit, her fingers aching from exhaustion. It wasn't exactly as fun as the shows projected them to be. Open a stand, make some juice and strike it rich at the age of ten.

"OW!" She yelled as a drip of it got into her blue eye, sending sour pain through her whole head.
But persevering, she managed to create a semi-normal looking drink. She raised the treat to her mouth with the long wooden spoon.

"Its delicious!" She beamed as she took a little sign from under the stand that read "OPEN" She smiled as she started to pour the jug into the eight green plastic cups.
"Anne Boleyn...restaurateur extraordinaire.." She mumbled to herself. She had heard the people at her old house use big, fancy words like that all the time. Now it was rubbing off on the petite blond.

 "Annie's lemonade shop is open! We sell lemonade....and erm, lemonade!" She shouted to the passerby.
Melanie, meanwhile, was exercising her weary muscles on the leg extender that they had bought with their very limited funds.

 "Adam, there is no way I'm going anywhere without a fresh manicure and some equipment to keep me looking hot." She had said to her husband. "And a Gucci purse. I absolutely need at least one of those." And he had agreed, not knowing how to say no to his wife who he never had to say no to before.
"So how do the peas get in the pod?" Trinity questioned, on the comfy white couch in the living room.

"I'm not sure hon. But I know something about that..." He trailed off and pulled his daughter to him.
"I know for sure that we are two peas in a pod." He said as he kissed his daughters forehead. "And that you are positively the sweetest girl in the world." 

As he said this Trinity scrunched up her eyebrows and frowned.

 "But daddy, if I'm the sweetest girl, what about momma and Annie?" 

"Well Trinity, my sweetheart, your all different kinds of sweet. Like candy, Anne might be laffy taffy and your mom may be Hershys. And you may be...?"
"Sweethearts." Trinity said and smiled wide. "Right daddy?"

"Right, sweetheart." He said while his daughter giggled. But as he shared this tender moment with his favorite daughter, he couldn't help but feel an odd, implacable feeling. And whatever it was, it didn't feel good. Not good at all.

The mop flew over the floor, cleaning up the puddle of dirty water, which had made its way through the roof and through a small crack in the ceiling, creating a huge mess in Trinity's and Anne Boleyn's new room.

"God, what does a girl have to do to enjoy herself on a Sunday evening?!" She yelled from the top of her lungs.

And truly, this was her first taste of manual labor in...well, pretty much her whole life. Besides her occasional yoga exercises, she had never cleaned up after herself and this role as "mom-maid" was largely unappealing to her. But someone had to do it, and she fit the bill. Well, at least she came the closest.
Meanwhile, Adam headed off to his first day on the job.

"Bye Angel!" He shouted to Anne Boleyn, who was still busy at the little lemonade stand, and was rather dejected at the lack of interest.

"Don't go daddy! Wait!" She wailed as she picked up a green cup, which was filled to the top. "Take this!" And she handed him the cup. 

"Thanks Angel. I'm sure it's the best darn lemonade in the Acres." And the carpool sped off, leaving Anne Boleyn with a proud smile on her face.
And she felt even happier when her sister stopped by her little lemonade stand.

"Hey Annie, how much are they?" Trinity asked as she pulled out two quarters and a Chuck e Cheese coin from her pocket.

"It's nothing for best-sister-in the world." She said back as she handed Trinity a full cup. Trinity started gulping and smiled wide.

"Annie, I think you were made to make lemonade."
"Only the finest ingredients for the finest people." Trinity said as she giggled.
"That, and the fact that I put a lot of sugar in there."

When Trinity had finished her drink, she had the sudden urge to splash in the puddles that were lining the corners of the little house. She had never really had the chance before: her mother especially disapproved of rowdy behavior when they lived in Europe. She was still uptight, but things were a bit relaxed since they were now in a house the size of their old closets and they had a meager amount of money.
Anne Boleyn on the other hand had met a peculiar man, who had dark pink hair and blue eyes, along with gray skin. Anne Boleyn had been told to not talk to strangers, yet she couldn't not to this mystery of a man. He was just so....different.

"Hi! I'm Anne Boleyn. And who are you..?"

"I'm Wren. Wren Ying. It is a pleasure to meet you Miss.Anne Boleyn." 

"So....your different?" Anne Boleyn asked, none to shy on offending.

"Why yes I am Miss. I was born half human and half...." He trailed off as he thought if he would tell her. "Half vampire." He said the words and hoped it hadn't freaked out the sparkly eyed girl. 

"Vampire?! Eek! That is so cool! So your kinda like Edward?" Wren laughed at this.

"Not exactly, miss. Twilight was sorta....erm, skewed. My father, the full vampire, drank the blood from donation stations. He never had a drop of warm human blood. And myself, getting the recessive gene of my mother, doesn't need blood at all. I'm a pizza and hamburger type of guy actually." Anne smiled at this.
And just as she did so, Annabella LaRose jogged by in a pair of shorts and a tank top. Annabella stopped her.

"Annabella!" For she knew her from her first visit at her house. "There's somebody I want you to meet!" 

 "Well, sweetheart..." She checked the time on her tiny silver phone. "I guess I could meet the person. Who is she?"

"Actually Wren is a he. And there he is." Anne Boleyn pointed to the pink haired man, who was awkwardly looking at the cement below his feet.
Annabella was instantly taken aback at his appearance. They both stared at each other in awe for a moment until Anne Boleyn broke the silence.

"Annabella LaRose, meet Wren Ying."

The two strangers smiled at each other warmly. They then commenced a lively conversation with smiles and small flirty actions spread throughout.
Anne Boleyn left when things started getting a little PG-13 rated. But, she was still happy that she had possibly created a couple. A doll and a half-vamp, pretty original. At least, Anne thought so.
Anne, proud of her grade school matchmaking skills went inside to tell her mother, who was busy serving snacks and wiping down counter tops.

"Momma! Momma! Guess what happened? I got Annabella and this guy named Wren together! I made love happen!" And she crossed her fingers together and got a distant look in her eyes. "I wonder what love feels like....."

 "It's hard to explain." Said her mother as she patted down her daughter's unruly curls. "But as long as you keep your hair like that, you'll never find out, huh?" And Anne's light heart got a little heavier. If there was any word to describe her mother, it wouldn't be soft. Even her body was hard and slim, the product of constant and strenuous diets. 
 But she didn't let it get to her for very long. One of the things they had bought at a Wal-mart a few days ago was a Betty Mack oven, which was supposed to be perfect for little girls of all ages. But as she opened the little door, a cloud of black smoke erupted and made her choke and cough.
And it was an even worse situation for the puffy muffin, which had had it about as bad as the little old woman who had felt the brunt of the Heavens wrath upon her. 
Anne Boleyn broke off a small bit and slipped it into her mouth. Tasting a starchy bland mess, she quickly spit it out.

"Man....why is it so hard to make a muffin around here?!" 

 Beats me too. It seems that all the children of Prosperous Acres have a very difficult time with producing quality muffins.
"La la la....woke up feelin' like P diddy....La la la..." Melanie mumbled as a gray haired woman appeared from the back door. "Erm, lady what the heck are you doing in my house?" Melanie asked as she continued to rifle through the scanty fridge.

"I'm here for the childrens." Said the woman with a thick russian accent. "Where are the childrens?!" She asserted as she looked all around with prying eyes.

"Lady, I don't know who you are but you are really freaking me out and have, like, violated about a hundred crimes by coming in here without my permission." Melanie grabbed a large knife from the drawer. "Wouldn't want anybody getting hurt, right?"

The woman looked panicked as she backed out of the house.

"No childrens here....I'll be going now....Good night..." And she ran far, far away, and was never seen again by the citizens of Prosperous Acres. 
"So how is it going with Wren and you?" Anne Boleyn asked the peppy doll. 

"Oh, it's splendid! I haven't talked to a man like that in....My whole life." Annabella said as she smiled wide and had a glow about her.

"YAY!! I wonder if you and Wren get married, and had a baby, if I would be it's Godparent or something? Than I could be, like, a parent at 10!" As she said this Annabella blushed.

"If Wren and I do have a baby, you can be the Godparent." And she hugged the little girl, whom she barely knew, yet felt a certain fondness for.
Actually, it had been going very well with the sweet Miss LaRose and the strange Wren Ying. There was a connection that ran between them that all the Carlisles could see.
It was quite a few types of odd, but it was nice to see.
 Especially for the youngest Carlisle.

" you think that maybe....I will fall in love?" Anne asked as she rubbed her tired eyes and slid under the thin sheets. Trinity didn't answer.

"I mean....It looks so nice. Like all those flowers that were mailed to the mansion. You know how they were so colorful and vibrant? That's how I imagine love. Like a rainbow of harmonious colors....stunning." Anne mused as she heard a soft snore from the sister in the bed beside her.

"I love you too Trin, I love you too."
That night, Adam came home, unsurprisingly with papers for promotion. 
It wasn't a surprise to anyone. His defined good looks and seemingly spotless personality made everyone want a slice of the dashing man. None of them knew about his past, go figure, but all of them could guess at his gleaming future that was so surely set out in front of him. It was just a given.
That night, Adam had come home with a homely looking woman, with cotton candy pink hair that was woven into two messy braids. She had been the woman who frantically passed out papers and filed business cards at his new job. He heard that she had been working that same job for 12 years. And Adam, on his first day, had been given the promotion that gave him twice as much pay as this woman. Some may argue that this isn't "fair", but Adam, he didn't much care. After all, who was he to care about anyone besides himself?
When Adam had opened the door, he was instantly bombarded by his wife, who kissed him with red hot intensity. He could even tell what flavor of lipstick she was wearing. Coconut strawberry, with just a hint of vanilla. Oh yeah, he was good.
When the kiss ended, Adam still held his terribly beautiful wife in his arms. He raised his eyebrow when she gestured to their bedroom door. Trinity coughed as she saw the ooey-gooey icky grossness that was her parents.

"Um mom, can I use the easel? I wanna get in some midnight painting." Trinity said awkwardly as the R-rated advancements of her parents continued.
"Yeah, sure hon. Me and your dad are going to go...." But she didn't finish as she was literally swept off her feet by her husband. Trinity just shook her head and painted.
The next morning, the bus arrived for the young girls. They were happy to be entering a new school although they knew they were going to be quickly changing to private school when the headmaster met them this evening. Even so, they both tried to make their one and only day in public school worthwhile.
Adam, on the other hand, was practicing for his advancing career as an entertainer. He already had his skills down and memorized, naturally, but he figured it wouldn't hurt to get a little extra practice in. He headed into the bright white bathroom, which was sparkling clean and was neatly organized. He stood in front of the gleaming mirror and made a face.
"So...How ya doing Adam? Lookin' good, lookin' good I see." He made small talk with his reflection.

"If anyone is seeing this, then I'll be ruined again..."He laughed as he reflected on that period of his life. "How stupid can you get? Why did I scam money when I had a world of it already?" He shook his head. "I'll never make that mistake again..."
But something that surely wasn't going to crumble any time soon was Melanie's strong mind. It was perfectly manicured into the ideal Stepford wife archetype. She had thought that settling into the binding role as the motherly type would restrict her. But she found it surprisingly easy. And leafing through the sweet recipes of the desert section of a recipe book, she kind of liked the soccer mom type. As long as she stayed hawt, she was alright with it all.
"Well hello there, my fine Melanie." Adam cheered as he waltzed out of the bathroom.

"Had a good conversation with yourself sweetheart?" Melanie sniped as he slipped his body on top of hers, the couch cushions deflating.

 "Aw, very enlightening hon." He kissed her tenderly, and carefully pulled off his jacket and shirt, exposing a toned and hard chest. 

"You just can't keep your hands off of me lately huh?" And she kissed back, and lined her hand across his back. 

"Can I ever?" And for a few minutes they kissed until he caught sight of red leaves falling from the birch tree outside. He pulled away.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" Melanie picked up her lacy bra and clipped it back on.

"I'm just gonna go rake up those leaves. I just blanked on the headmaster coming here tonight. God, why must you be so distracting." He smiled as he looked down at her sculpted and feminine figure, which was clad in pink satin underwear.
All distractions aside, Adam head out with a brand new rake in the sprinkling rain and quickly gathered the leaves into a large pile, green, amber and maroon, all blended into one. For a second Adam had a moment of childish immaturity: He thought about jumping in and kicking about. He knew it would only make a mess that he would have to rake up again, but still, the urge was there.
When he was done with the hard work in the yard, Adam returned to the house, which was air-conditioned to a perfect temperature and smelled lightly of citrus and pine, and tinged with the unmistakable odor of bleach. Cleaning supplies were scattered across the counters, every logo promising clean surfaces stood there in a neat little row. Adam picked up the cordless phone and begun dialing.
"Hello Mr.Hoover, I just wanted to make sure our plans for tonight are squared away." Adam said to the man.

"Aw, yes Adam, I'll be there tonight at 5:00 sharp. Not a moment late. Now, I must get on to my other pressing matters." Said the man on the other end, with the audible sound of papers ruffling.
Adam hung up the phone and sauntered over to his wife, who's hands were still busy scrubbing the already immaculate sink. Adam took her waist in his arms.

"Big night tonight, big night." He said as he kissed his lover's ear.

 "I know this Adam, kind of explains why I'm working extra to clean this place up. I mean for Gods sake, how are we supposed to get Trinity and Anne into a decent school if we live like...well, white trash." She said the word in a disgusted tone.

"Gosh sweetheart, just relax. And you know what, I think you deserve a trip to the spa. I'll handle the headmaster while you get a facial." He kissed her. "And don't you dare fret; I got this all in the bag, even though I'm sure your rocking good looks might sway his decision." Adam concluded as Melanie, who never could resist a chance to be pampered, grabbed her purse and said her adieus.
The girls came back from school, their faces rosy and their bodies aching from a tough thing known as "public school". They had enjoyed their day, yet looked with vigor to the prep academy with the pretty manicured grounds and big easy boy chairs and sleek laptops instead of rigid wood desks and the terribly ordinary pen and paper.

"Hey Trin, what do you suppose I do with this homework I got? It's not like I'm going to be seeing Miss.Ruffie again or anything." Anne Boleyn held out a pink packet which read in fat bubble letters "Anne Boleyn Carlisle's Homework!" 

"Um, I think you should do it. All." Trinity said sternly as Trinity blinked, surprised.

"Ha ha ha! I'm just kidding Anne, I say you just throw it away. Or burn it."
And after doing the less destructive of the two, they flopped down on the comfy couch and flicked on the small television. A slapstick cartoon popped on. 

"Ew....Is it just me, Trin, or do I hate all this fighting and icky humor? I mean, whatever happened to the fairy channel?" Anne turned to her sister, who was staring through the large window at the drizzling rain that was pitter-pattering against the roof. Anne sighed.

"Must you always be a space cadet Trin?" Anne waved her arm in front of Trinity's face. Trinity just sighed wearily.

 "Anne, we better comb out our hair and clean our faces, the headmaster is coming." Trinity said with a perfectly level voice. 

"Alright....." Anne said sadly as they both got up and clomped over to the bathroom.
And it wasn't long before a glossy car arrived in front of the Carlisle homestead, the light rain blotting the stately looking man's purple jacket. He stood in front of the house scrutinizing the exterior and making mental notes of everything he saw. He checked his Rolex and brushed a leaf off the shoulder of his sleeve. But then he saw blinds being drawn from inside and the blond man traipse outside, a smile radiating from his face.
Adam approached the man and shook his hand, relieved to see a grin on his face as well.

"Well hello Mr.Carlisle. I have heard of your two girls, which I also heard to be of excellence." He raised his white furry eyebrows. "Is this true?"

"Trinity and Anne Boleyn are some of the brightest girls I am sure you will ever see."
Adam said, proudly. "Now, Mr.Hoover, let's get inside, this rain is unpleasant."
And the stately headmaster followed, VERY excited indeed.
Actually, the headmaster was very exuberant throughout the tour. He showed this by pounding his hands in the air and yelling. Between outbursts he would pick non existent pieces of lint off his clothing and leaf through a small notepad that was filled with scrawls of classical cursive. He was truly a perplexing man.
"And so I think you should think the school satisfactory." The headmaster concluded after the quality meal of microwave burgers. Adam hated the idea of burgers and hated even more the idea of serving it to an influential headmaster, but Mr.Hoover had hoisted up the freezer and exclaimed with delight:

"Munnie's Burger Flips?! Where do you get these?! I say, I haven't eaten these in.....13 years! We must eat! I just flip over Munnies" Adam had tried to persuade him, but he wholeheartedly insisted.
And after the rousing conversation, the headmaster grasped Adam's hand and wobbled it up and down, Adam, not quite sure about what had happened that whole evening.

"Mr.Carlisle, I am pleased to admit your two daughters.." He quickly pulled out the little notebook. "...Anne Bolem and Tracy..." The man said as he half-smiled up at Adam.

Adam just pushed the man to the door, not bothering to correct him.
"I love that particular brand of cologne by the way Mr.Carlisle. Very.....earthy."

And the headmaster officially departed leaving Adam a bit confused but very happy that his two daughters could enjoy a more proper school.
And a proper school demanded skills beyond reading and writing. Trinity was instantly shocked when she scanned through the lengthy course information she would be taking. 

Ballet....Art....civics...economics...The list seemed to go on and on. She sighed as she picked up a few bottles of paint and lazily started spreading it across the easel.

Actually, over the next few days, the cram to learn was full fledged and ugly. The girls found it hard to adjust. The ivy covered school breathed the very essence of intelligence and stretched the minds of two little girls who just wanted to play and romp around without the itchy skirts that they were forced to wear. And yes, they were plaid.
Adam also tried to advance his skill set and painted vigorously, even though most of it bled together into a blob. But, if it helped his job, he would try pretty much everything. Being an up and coming celebrity figure was hard work. And now that he was going to be going toward the magician line of acting (he heard it payed well) it was a huge mountain to climb.

Time continued to tick by, the leaves of Fall still trickling down from the birch trees hitting the ground gracefully. Adam was the one who always raked them up, neat piles stacked high. One day, after another hard day at school, Trinity eyed one. She looked back and forth for witnesses but only saw her sister, who was busy searching for bugs in the dew kissed grass.


She grabbed up armfuls of the leaves and tossed them in the air, feeling the wind on her cheeks and the copper rainbow above her. It was an amazing sight. Breathtaking actually. She captured the image in her head so she could paint it later. Her art teacher would be proud.
And just as fast as they had ascended, they fell. Their colors spilled onto the ground and the fun was over.

"Trinity! Trinity? Where are you? I need you to show me your pirouette. I hear your ballet is slipping." Melanie yelled through the front window.

 And carefully picking up her backpack, she headed inside, a silent smile playing on her lips.
Anne Boleyn was not having as much fun.

"Stupid Claire Ursine, she totally just rejected me when I wanted her to give me a friendly hug." Anne folded her arms across her chest.

 "Stupid Sims 3, I will never like it.EVER." And she turned off the bulky computer, glad to be rid of such 'stupid' games.
Wondering what Melanie has been up to? Well, after her expensive spa treatment, she recommenced her the super cleaning, brushing, wiping, and bleaching every surface and object until she could see her reflection in it.

"Darn this stupid shower! Do you see this shower curtain?" She turned angrily to the curtain which was a dull gray. "Do you know how many times I've cleaned this?"

She then started madly scrubbing again, and if you didn't know better you would think she was doing that her whole life.
But it seems that Anne's playing time on the computer payed off. A mysterious stranger walked through the front door and didn't set off any alarms. Maybe it was the heavy blue suit he was donning, which was covered in green wires that crisscrossed in a microchip-y kind of way. He approached the curly blond girl and shook her hand, which she could feel was sweaty, even though he was wearing thick gloves.
"Miss Boleyn, I have heard about your skills in the art of gaming. I have come to bestow upon you the amulet of our clan." He handed her an off white business card that was stained with a yellow substance. It had the name 'Arnold Deskamp' and underneath said 'Clan leader'. A small picture of a ruby red amulet necklace also cluttered up the side.

"Um, thanks. I'll keep this." And the man smiled and left, while Anne chucked the card into a nearby trash can.
That night at the stroke of midnight, when the girls and Melanie were fast asleep, Adam was still doing prep work for an audition the next day. The desk lamp burned his skin and he rumpled his hair and stood up. He opened the door and lugged the trash out to the silver can on the sidewalk. The air had a light chill and the whole neighborhood was silent. Except for a small black haired girl who was busy swinging around Anne and Trinity's whirl-o-round. He furrowed his brow.

"Um, sweetheart, it's a little late for this." He awkwardly shifted his weight. The girl stopped spinning and checked the purple watch on her left wrist.

"Oh....OK! See you tomorrow!" She said cheerfully and skipped off. Adam just shook his head and wondered if the whole thing was just his imagination. Maybe he was going mad.
So he decided to make a quick stop to a nearby night club, something he had done so much before they had lost their fortune and status.
The colors burned into his head and the whole place held the sickly sweet smell of hard liquor. He nodded his head at a mousy brunette who raised her right eyebrow when she saw him. She could see her peaked interest when she handed him a menu, fumbling slightly.

She seated him in the area by the dance floor and went on about the days specials. 
Adam just felt like rolling his eyes when he noticed that none of the other customers had picked anything to eat. They were all clutching sloshy bottles and cups of liquids. They were all incredibly tipsy.
She scrawled out his order of a plain beer and headed back into the dingy kitchen.

But Adam wasn't much paying attention. His gaze had met a pale skinned beauty, who's ruby red eyes scanned her surroundings like the prey she would stalk. His eyes connected with hers. It was like the parallels of fire and ice breaking and meeting in a terrible smash.
She quickly looked away. Too soon, Adam thought. Looking into her eyes was like looking into the future. Hidden, mysterious, yet dangerous and new. He watched intently as she talked to the woman in front of her who was wearing a badge and a tight fitting blue vest.
Adam guzzled down three beers and ordered a shrimp salad to help mend the drunken feeling that was overcoming his whole body. He could feel her body near him and even though he didn't even know her name he was overcome. By a feeling he had no idea how to place.
Finally he couldn't take it any longer. His knees buckled as he approached her.
She was busy with a conversation with the cop. He laughed because it sounded really ironic. Because she was definitely no human. She looked back at him and again their eyes connected.

"What do you want?" Her voice was deep and bordered on a man's. 

"I just....wanted to talk" Adam had never felt this nervous around....well, anyone. His cheeks blushed.

"Karen, I am going to have to get back to you." She checked the stainless steel clock on the wall. "And anyway, I am feeling awfully tired." She twisted out of her chair and rushed to leave. Adam caught up, but just barely. 

"I wanna talk!!" He huffed for air. She sighed and handed him a number printed on dark black paper. Conchetta Braven. He slipped it into his pocket.

"I never do this...but you seem different." Conchetta said as she looked out of a window. It was a few minuted until sunrise, the clouds barely keeping the sun at bay.
"I must go. Goodbye.." She looked into his eyes.

"Adam. It's Adam."

"Goodbye Adam." And she sped off, just as the sun was poking through.
And he was struck by that mysterious feeling again.

His cell phone rang. He popped the cruddy little flip phone open and saw his wife's number. He talked into it, seeming to return back into reality.

"Adam, I'm pregnant....It's triplets." And that's all Adam needed to hear to officially have enough of reality.
Thank you for reading Carlisle Chapter 1!

Tune in next time for the Scarlet family who might be rushing into a life of riches and temptation which could mean trouble!


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